Flow Playground

Dapp Deployment Guide

How to deploy an application on Flow

The Road to Mainnet

The following sections cover the steps a developer should take to prepare their application for deployment on Flow Mainnet.

1. Smart Contract Testing

Smart contracts are the most important component of any dapp: they often manage user assets, application state and other vital pieces of data. As such, smart contracts should be rigorously tested.

2. Deploy to Testnet

Testnet is the perfect proving ground for any new application. Learn how to use the Flow toolchain to deploy your dapp to Testnet.

3. Testnet Testing

Testnet is the closest you will get to the real thing. In order to uncover bugs that may only appear on a real network, you should thoroughly test your dapp on Testnet before considering a Mainnet release.

4. Deploy to Mainnet

Your dapp must go through a review process before it can be deployed to Mainnet. This is to ensure a smooth and safe experience for Flow users, developers, and maintainers while the network is still maturing. Learn about the steps you will need to take to promote your dapp from Testnet to Mainnet.