FUSD Transactions & Scripts
Transaction templates for the FUSD stablecoin on Flow
contract defines the Flow USD stablecoin token.
FUSD implements the standard FungibleToken contract interface on Flow.
Network | Contract Address |
Testnet | 0xe223d8a629e49c68 |
Mainnet | 0x3c5959b568896393 |
Source: FUSD.cdc
Transactions & Scripts
Setup FUSD Vault & Receiver
This transaction configures the signer's account with an empty FUSD vault.
It also links the following capabilities:
- This capability allows this account to accept FUSD deposits.FungibleToken.Balance
- This capability allows anybody to inspect the FUSD balance of this account.
// Mainnet
import FungibleToken from 0xf233dcee88fe0abe
import FUSD from 0x3c5959b568896393
// Testnet
// import FungibleToken from 0x9a0766d93b6608b7
// import FUSD from 0xe223d8a629e49c68
transaction {
prepare(signer: AuthAccount) {
// It's OK if the account already has a Vault, but we don't want to replace it
if(signer.borrow<&FUSD.Vault>(from: /storage/fusdVault) != nil) {
// Create a new FUSD Vault and put it in storage
signer.save(<-FUSD.createEmptyVault(), to: /storage/fusdVault)
// Create a public capability to the Vault that only exposes
// the deposit function through the Receiver interface
target: /storage/fusdVault
// Create a public capability to the Vault that only exposes
// the balance field through the Balance interface
target: /storage/fusdVault
Source: setup_fusd_vault.cdc
Transfer FUSD
This transaction withdraws FUSD from the signer's account and deposits it into a recipient account. This transaction will fail if the recipient does not have an FUSD receiver. No funds are transferred or lost if the transaction fails.
: The amount of FUSD transfer (e.g. 10.0)recipient
: The recipient account address.
// Mainnet
import FungibleToken from 0xf233dcee88fe0abe
import FUSD from 0x3c5959b568896393
// Testnet
// import FungibleToken from 0x9a0766d93b6608b7
// import FUSD from 0xe223d8a629e49c68
transaction(amount: UFix64, recipient: Address) {
// The Vault resource that holds the tokens that are being transfered
let sentVault: @FungibleToken.Vault
prepare(signer: AuthAccount) {
// Get a reference to the signer's stored vault
let vaultRef = signer.borrow<&FUSD.Vault>(from: /storage/fusdVault)
?? panic("Could not borrow reference to the owner's Vault!")
// Withdraw tokens from the signer's stored vault
self.sentVault <- vaultRef.withdraw(amount: amount)
execute {
// Get the recipient's public account object
let recipientAccount = getAccount(recipient)
// Get a reference to the recipient's Receiver
let receiverRef = recipientAccount.getCapability(/public/fusdReceiver)!
?? panic("Could not borrow receiver reference to the recipient's Vault")
// Deposit the withdrawn tokens in the recipient's receiver
receiverRef.deposit(from: <-self.sentVault)
Source: transfer_fusd.cdc
Get FUSD Balance for an Account
This script returns the FUSD balance of an account.
// Mainnet
import FungibleToken from 0xf233dcee88fe0abe
import FUSD from 0x3c5959b568896393
// Testnet
// import FungibleToken from 0x9a0766d93b6608b7
// import FUSD from 0xe223d8a629e49c68
pub fun main(address: Address): UFix64 {
let account = getAccount(address)
let vaultRef = account
?? panic("Could not borrow Balance capability")
return vaultRef.balance
Source: get_fusd_balance.cdc